
Many opportunities exist for doing “God’s Work with Our Hands” at Pisgah. Check them out below, and contact the appropriate person to get involved.


I would like to welcome visitors and extend hospitality to everyone that worships at Pisgah!


Serve as a Greeter– A critical part of Sunday Worship, greeters often give the first impression a guest encounters when visiting Pisgah. Greeters are stationed in both entries to welcome worshipers and offer assistance with directions or a simple introduction.

Contact: Virginia Bishop | [email protected]


Serve as an Usher– A vital part of all services at Pisgah, ushers distribute bulletins and greet worshipers, assist latecomers, collect offering and guide attendees through the communion line. Ushers also assist at special services and funerals.

Contact: Virginia Bishop | [email protected]



I would like to be a part of the Worship Service!

Children’s Sermon– Leading the children in a relatable message/story that pertains to the Gospel lesson. Must be comfortable being in front of the church and wearing a microphone for this responsibility.

Contact: Deborah Poole | [email protected]


Communion Assistant– Responsible for assisting the Pastor or Associate Pastor in the distribution of communion.

Contact: Virginia Bishop | [email protected]


Serve as Acolyte– Perform the ceremonial duty of lighting altar candles, paschal candles, Advent Wreath and/or the Baptismal Candle. The Acolyte also assets the ushers with the offering plates during the service. Ideal service for anyone in the 4th grade and older.

Contact: Deborah Poole | [email protected]


Serve as Crucifer– Responsible for carrying the church’s processional cross during the processions at the beginning and the end of service. Ideal service for anyone in the 9th grade and older.

Contact: Deborah Poole | [email protected]


Lay Reader– Responsible for reading the first and second lessons in our worship service and leading the congregation in responsive readings.

Contact: Virginia Bishop | [email protected]



I enjoy playing music and/or singing!


Children’s Choir– On special occasions the children are invited to assemble for a performance at upcoming services. All children are welcome to participate, those over age 2 are encouraged to join in. Practices will be held leading up to the performance.

Contact: D’Etta Broam | [email protected]


Chancel Choir Member– Primarily serves at the 10:45am Sunday service, leading worship and signing the offertory anthems. They lead the congregation in traditional hymns, with an occasional contemporary piece.

Contact: Tony Roof | [email protected]


Guest Vocalist/Instrumentalist– If you are gifted with a musical talent and are willing to share it, please let us know! The ‘Pisgah Praise’ band participates in the 8:30am Sunday service and is always open to additional accompaniment.

Contact: Tony Roof | [email protected]


Ladies Ensemble– A group of diverse women, traditionally offering special music two-three times a year to the congregation.

Contact: Cindy Reynolds | [email protected]


Music and Drama Camp– A week long summer camp for children. The children learn and perform a musical, while also learning music and drama skills through games and fun activities.

Contact: Tony Roof | [email protected]


Spirit Song Choir– Primarily serves at the 8:30am Sunday service, leading the congregation in both traditional and contemporary hymns.

Contact: Tony Roof | [email protected]



I’m great with children!


Nursery– Responsible for caring for the children that brought to the Nursery during the Worship services. The Nursery must be staffed with 2 helpers at all time (one must be over the age of 21) Helpers are able to indicate the service they prefer to serve during.

Contact: Virginia Bishop | [email protected]


Children’s Church– Responsible for conducting a lesson and activity with the children that leave the sanctuary following the children’s sermon. The lesson/activity are provided by the Learning Committee in advance.

Contact: Deborah Poole | [email protected]


Christmas Program Coordinator or Helper– Each December, the children of Pisgah learn and perform a Christmas program for the congregation. If you have a flair for drama, directing, performing and/or music, your assistance would be welcomed!

Contact: Deborah Poole | [email protected]



I am comfortable teaching or leading groups in learning!


Confirmation Leader-Confirmation equips youth in developing a lifelong relation with Christ, be able to identify with the mission of the Church and build relationships with church leaders, their peers and family. It creates opportunities where youth can grow spiritually and adult assistance is always welcome.

Contact: Deborah Poole | [email protected]


Men’s Bible Study– Willing to organize a Bible Study group that is geared for men and inclusive of multiple age groups.

Contact: Ruth Abercrombie | [email protected]


Sunday School Teacher or Assistant– Responsible for fostering a strong learning environment for our young people each Sunday morning. Classes are structured for team teaching and curriculum and material are provided.

Contact: Ruth Abercrombie | [email protected]


VBS Volunteer– VBS takes an army of volunteers! From teaching and crafts to decorations and snacks, all roles are important and vital to the success of the VBS experience for everyone! Come help!

Contact: Ruth Abercrombie | [email protected]


Women’s Bible Study– Willing to organize a Bible Study group that is directed towards women and inviting to multiple age groups.

Contact: Ruth Abercrombie | [email protected]


Youth Group Mentor– Pisgah is blessed with a large group of youth and in order to best serve those young people, adult assistance is crucial. If you feel like you can relate to this age group and are willing to be a leader to them, step up and help!

Contact: Deborah Poole | [email protected]



I’m more comfortable behind the scenes!


Altar Guild-Prepares the Sanctuary for regular and special worship services. Responsible for communion preparation and the rotation of paraments.

Contact: Margaret Barfield | [email protected]


Directory Preparation– A new directory consisting of congregational reports and member information is produced annually. While the publication is sent via email to the congregation, the Parish Administrator needs volunteers to proofread the publication.

Contact: Robin Smith | [email protected]


Newsletter/Bulletin Preparation– While many of the once regularly printed publications of the church have gone virtual and transmitted via email, proofing is still necessary for the Fountain and bulletins. Assembly of the weekly worship bulletins is also necessary.

Contact: Robin Smith | [email protected]


Offering Tabulator– Responsible for working in teams to count, and handle with discretion, the weekly offering collected.

Contact: Susan Jordan | [email protected]



I enjoy cooking!


Bake Sale Helper– From time to time, a Bake Sale is arranged to raise funds for outreach programs that Pisgah participates in or coordinates. If you enjoy baking, we’d love your assistance!

Contact: God Squad Leaders | [email protected]


Funeral Meals– The Pisgah Family offers support to families of parishioners that pass away. Groups are organized and called upon in rotation when a member passes away. Groups are often asked to help prepare a meal for a minimum of 30 family members to feed at church or the home of the family member. A group leader will be given the necessary details by the church and will contact his/her team.

Contact: Margaret Barfield | [email protected]



I enjoy working with my hands and don’t mind being outside!


Mowing the Church Grounds– Pisgah is blessed with beautiful property and the parishioners volunteer their time to maintain the grounds. Groups are organized by month and the property divided into sections. Group leaders make arrangements leading into their month to ensure the grounds are cut and maintained properly.

Contact: Bradley Cain | [email protected]


Pruning Shrubbery– Responsible for trimming the shrubbery in the front and sides of the exterior of the church.

Contact: Glen Clamp | [email protected]


Assisting with laying pine straw– Each fall, a fresh layer of pine straw is laid to protect plants from the upcoming colder weather.

Contact: Bradley Cain | [email protected]



I want to be involved, beyond worship!


God Squad Leader– The God Squad organizes the Annual Fall Festival, Hanging of the Greens, Family Fun Nights, Veteran’s Recognitions and much more throughout the year. More hands are always welcome in this busy group.

Contact: Glenn Howard | [email protected]


Golden Hearts– An organized group of seniors made up of adults throughout the community.

Contact: Wanda Porter | [email protected]


Lutheran Men in Mission-The objective of this group is to support the mission churches in SC, provide service to PLC and to provide all Lutheran men of Pisgah and others an opportunity to enjoy worship, Bible study, fellowship and food while enhancing our growth and Christian life.

Contact: Michael Rawl |


Men’s Softball– If you enjoy fellowship and playing softball, this is the group for you! Pisgah plays in fall and spring leagues.

Contact: Kevin Porter  |
Tuesday Samplers– A group designed for Pisgah women that offers fellowship, food, service projects and loads of fun. Meets the 2nd Tuesday of the  month at a member’s home.

Contact: Tammy Caldwell | [email protected]



I like committee work and want to lend a hand!


Cemetery– Responsible for the marking of gravesites in preparation for funerals and for the overall upkeep contracts for the cemetery.

Contact: Joe Spires | [email protected]


Council– Comprised of elected adult and youth members of the church to guide the congregation for the year, and make plans for the future. The council is guided by our constitution and is responsible for all areas of church life. The members deliberate, make decisions about the policies, practices and plans for the future of our church.

Contact: Ken Boyd | [email protected]


Finance/Stewardship– Responsible for promoting the expression of Christian faith in daily living and to teach the Christian use of money.

Contact: DeWitt Watson | [email protected]


Good News

Contact: Craig Herring|[email protected]


Intergenerational-Provides a connection between all auxiliary committees of Pisgah and acts as a scheduling agent for all auxiliaries and others.

Contact: Margaret Barfield| [email protected]


Lifelong Faith Formation-Responsible for the learning ministry programs of Pisgah, including: Sunday School, Children’s Church, Confirmation, VBS, Summer Day Camp, and the church library.

Contact: Ruth Abercrombie| [email protected]


Mutual Ministry– Our mutual ministry committee provides pastoral and staff support, performs job evaluations, handles personnel policies and functions, such as salary and benefits.

Contact: Laura Grace | [email protected]


Property– Responsible for the daily maintenance and future needs of Pisgah’s facilities and grounds.

Contact: Bradley Cain | [email protected]


Social Ministry– Responsible for leading the congregation’s efforts to address the social, economic, and emotional needs of people both within the congregation and in the community at large. This committee organizes the Food Pantry, regular support drives for schools and LICS, Operation Shoebox and much more.

Contact: Micah Helms | [email protected]


Worship & Music-Responsible for seeing that the services of God’s house are conducted regularly and in accordance with the liturgy of the ELCA.

Contact: Virginia Bishop | [email protected]



I’m eager to serve my community, through our church!


Adopt-A-Highway-Pisgah has been participating in this valuable statewide initiative for many years. The youth predominantly assist with the organized pick-ups, Adult assistance is always greatly appreciated.

Contact: Deborah Poole | [email protected]


Lexington Interfaith Community Services (LICS) Volunteer–  Lexington Interfaith Community Services (LICS) is a local interfaith social services ministry serving families and individuals struggling to meet their basic needs of food, clothing, and shelter.

Contact: Hazel Clarke | [email protected]


Meals on Wheels– Meals are delivered to individuals who are 60 or older, homebound, and/or unable to prepare a meal or transport themselves to a meal site. This service is dependent on volunteers who deliver the meals to homes during lunch hours on weekdays.

Contact: Hugh Caldwell | [email protected]


Operation Inasmuch-Each spring, congregations across the South Carolina Synod participate in an “Operation Inasmuch” day of service. Operation Inasmuch helps churches move out of the seats and into the streets to serve their neighbors in need. It’s a time for everyone to do hands-on ministry outside the walls of their buildings. Groups from different congregations join forces, plan projects, and spend time working together.

Contact: Micah Helms | [email protected]


Relay for Life-The American Cancer Society Relay For Life event is a life-changing experience that gives everyone in communities across the globe a chance to Celebrate the lives of people who have battled cancer, Remember loved ones lost, and Fight Back against the disease. Held in May each year.

Contact: Amy Hoffman | [email protected]