I’m New

There’s nothing like a “test drive” to help you discern if a particular congregation is the right spiritual home for you. So, we encourage you to visit for worship a few times to get a feel for the variety we offer, since our services are different. While you’re here, introduce yourself to the pastor, and join folks in the “hall” for coffee between services. If you have kids, let them try out our Sunday School; you can sample a class at the same time. Feel free to volunteer for a service activity.

Worship Service Times

Sunday Worship Services – 8:30 and 10:45 am

Sunday School – 9:45 am

Wednesday nights – 7:00 pm

We are Lutheran. That means that our focus is on God’s love and care for everything God has created – the earth and all its creatures; humanity in all of its rich diversity. It also emphasizes that God’s grace, God’s YES, is offered freely to all in Jesus Christ. Stephen Easter worship

There are a variety of musical styles, traditions, and instrumentation, from organ to electric guitar. The two services are different musically, as well as, in style of worship.

Services use the historic order of the liturgy (Gathering, Word, Communion, and Sending) with inclusive language and contemporary settings.

Children are welcome – wiggles and all. We believe that faith is passed on in song, prayer, and by being present in the worshipping community. Children’s sermons are part of the service, and children’s church is offered for young children during the adult sermon.  Nursery care is available for children under age 3 for those times when children or caregivers need a break.

We gather around Jesus’ table for Holy Communion every Sunday morning. All who wish to take part are welcome – without exception.

We hope you’ll feel welcome no matter what activities you try. If you also discover that Pisgah is the community in which you’d like to live out your values, wrestle with life’s challenges, nurture your faith, and help others, then contact the Pastor about joining.